September 13, 2013

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The Croods Feature, Coloring Sheets & #GIVEAWAY #TheCroodsDVD @FHEInsiders

Daddy Dearest
Available on Digital HD September 15 and Blu-ray &  DVD October 1

The relationship between a father and his daughter is a very precious thing. Some of the most touching scenes from movie history are the loving moments between dads and daughters. In The Croods, we watched as Eep and Grug slowly come to realize how much they truly love each other. Take a look at five of the most memorable dad and daughter moments in movie history.

Join the Croods on the journey of a lifetime in the epic comedy-adventure that "has the magical wonder of How To Train Your Dragon" - Jake Hamilton (Fox-TV). When their cave is destroyed, the Croods set out to explore a spectacular landscape filled with fantastic creatures, strange surprises…and a whole new world of adventure!

Eep and Grug - The Croods

Teenagers always go through that phase of life where they feel that they are being smothered by their parents. Eep is definitely feeling these emotions when her over-protective dad keeps her under tight boundaries.  But it turned out that Eep and Grug were more alike than they realized. Eep’s heart is broken when she thinks she lost her opportunity to tell her dad how much she loves him. In a very memorable moment, Eep and Grug are reunited and our hearts melt as we watch them embrace in a great big word that rhymes with Grug… a hug!

Charlie &Bella Swan - The Twilight Saga 
Throughout the Twilight saga, there are multiple adorably awkward father-daughter moments shared between Charlie and Bella. Charlie may not always know exactly what he is doing, but there is no denying that he is an excellent father! Our favorite Charlie and Bella memory is the day of the wedding. Before heading off on her honeymoon, Charlie tells Bella how much she means to him and the two share a meaningful moment.

Bryan and Kim Mills - Taken 
Every girl wants a father who makes them feel safe and is willing to protect them from any kind of harm that comes their way. Bryan Mills represents the ultimate dad in Taken and Taken 2 as he takes down anyone who comes between him and his daughter. Kim is lucky to have such a fierce father figure in her life and their relationship benefits from the difficult situation that she faces.

George &  Annie Banks - Father of the Bride

In Father of the Bride, George might be having a hard time giving up his little girl, but in the end he accepts the wedding as a reality and the two have a major bonding moment.  On the night before her wedding, Annie and George play basketball in the driveway and hundreds of female viewers thought back to the times they played sports with their dad as a kid.

Graham, Sophie, and Olivia - The Holiday

Being a single dad and raising two daughters is no easy task. In The Holiday, Graham seems to be one of the greatest single parents we’ve ever seen. From being Mr. Napkin Head with his two adorable daughters to building a dreamy tent with fluffy pillows and hand-cut stars, Graham goes the extra step to make sure Sophie and Olivia have a great childhood. We love the moment when we find out that the father and his daughters call themselves “the three musketeers.” 

Here are some fun coloring sheets to get the kids prepped and ready for the release (just click to enlarge)

Check out the road trip kit:

Enter to win a copy on Blu ray (open to US only)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I am a Fox Home Entertainment Insider.  I will be receiving a copy of the movie .  No other compensation was received and any opinions expressed are my own


  1. I really want to see this. Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. I think EEP is my favorite character.

  3. Eep Is My Favorite!

  4. Eep was my favorite Character! She was a free spirit like me & my daughter but still had a soft spot for her Daddy! <3ed the Movie!

  5. P.S. I also entered Modern Family: Season 4 Blu-ray #Giveaway #MyModernFamilyBD @FHEInsiders-

    Thanks One Momma Saving Money !

  6. We like Belt. Patricia

  7. My daughter likes Belt

  8. Eeep is our favorite. Thanks for the chance!

  9. we like belt

    jennifer marie

    lilnursejen at yahoo dot com

  10. I haven't seen this movie so I can't post a decision. I would like to win this for my niece.

  11. My son likes Belt best.

  12. Without a doubt our favorite character from the movie is Belt.

  13. I actually have not seen the movie yet so I do not have a favorite. But I would love to see it!

  14. I haven't seen the movie, yet,but the cast is awesome! Nicolas Cage,Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone, Cloris Leechman--Wow!
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  15. I still haven't seen it, but Sandy looks fun.

  16. We have not seen this movie yet, but hope to soon

  17. We thought Belt was hilarious. And Grandma :)

  18. We haven't watched this movie yet. Looking forward to it.

  19. We haven't seen the movie, but in previews, EEP looks cute!

  20. I haven't seen it yet but the girls I watch love Belt so I'm sure I'll love Belt too! Thanks!

  21. guy is our fav - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  22. I have never seen The Croods so i don't have an honest answer to the question. But I would love to watch this movie with my children.


  23. I don't have a favorite character yet because I haven't seen the show. I hope to see it soon.

  24. Have not seen this movie so I don't have a favorite character. Would love to see this - thanks for the chance to win it!

  25. Have not seen the movie, but am a fan of animation and so is the daughter, so it would be greatly appreciated!

  26. Whoever Emma Stone is voicing!

  27. Eep is my favorite character on the croods

  28. We loved Belt!!!
    ptavernie at yahoo dot com

  29. I haven't seen it yet so I don't have a favorite yet!

  30. I have not seen this movie yet, so I do not have a favorite character.

  31. I haven't seen the Croods yet - I don't have a favorite character yet.

  32. I like Belt!
    Looks like a fun movie :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  33. Granny was my fave (but the sabertoothed tiger was pretty adorable too)!

  34. Nicole Carter WeasleySeptember 27, 2013 at 9:19 AM

    I'm not sure, I haven't seen the movie yet!

  35. It's definitely EEP

    edq143 at yahoo dot com

  36. I don't have a favorite character because I haven't seen the movie yet :)

  37. We have not seen this movie yet,but we heard that grandma is a riot!

  38. I don't have a favorite character because I have not seen the movie yet.

  39. I have not seen this movie to say yet but am sure my granddaughter would just love it

  40. i haven't seen it yet, but i have heard it was good and can't wait to see it
    susansmoaks at gmail dot com
    tony l smoaks on rafflecopter

  41. We love Sandy but still havent seen the movie so this would be a cool family night prize for us.

  42. I've not seen it yet. But omg, I saw a clip of it on tv earlier tonight, it was where they took a photo...opps my eyes were closed. I almost fell out of my chair.
    Michelle Tucker

  43. I entered the new girl giveaway
    Michelle Tucker

  44. We haven't seen it yet, so no fave as of yet.
