October 31, 2012

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Tips for National Pet Obesity Month

  1. Annual Exams: take your pet for a check up at least once a year to check for overall health and to be sure vaccinations are up to date.
  2. Dental Care: check your pet’s oral health annually. Unchecked teeth can lead to kidney problems & your pet being unable to adequately chew food
  3. Spay/neuter your pet: this can help prevent medical problems & infections as well as helps to curb the pet population
  4. Senior pets: as your pet ages, its dietary requirements can change. Older pets need more water as they lose their ability to concentrate urine
  1. Balanced diet: serve your pet a balanced diet of low calorie, fresh food. It isimportant to provide your pet with a nutritionally balanced and complete diet.
  2. Manage pet’s weight: 53% of adult dogs are overweight. Consult your veterinarian about the right diet and exercise regimen for your pet
  1. Exercise: it is recommended that your pet exercise for at least 30 minutes daily. Take your furry friends on daily walks or runs and engage your pet in other active playtime. 
Tips for exercising with your pet:

  • Walking may be best for an older dog whereas a younger dog or puppy has the energy for a more vigorous workout
  • Begin walking or running your dog on soft surfaces such as dirt, sand or grass until its pads toughen
  • Keep your dog on a leash for control on your walk or run
  • Avoid exercising your dog immediately before or after he’s eaten to avoid digestive upsets
  • Dogs can suffer from heat stroke and frostbite just as people do, so keep the weather in mind when exercising your pet in the snow or on hot asphalt
  • If you exercise your dog in a wooded area, be sure to check your pet’s eyes, coat, and paws for ticks, dirt, and seeds
  • Train your dog to walk at your side to teach control so that your pet won’t jump on children or other dogs


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