April 2, 2011

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Reminder: Free umbrella and help save a child’s life

Through April 4, Kidorable is partnering with the Children’s Cancer Research Fund to help you support a great cause (and get a cool free gift, too).

Free Kidorable umbrella when you make a minimum $20 purchase on www.kidorable.com.  Kidorable will donate 10% of your purchase to the Children's Cancer Research Fund, bringing kids health, hope and happiness by revolutionizing the way childhood cancer is treated worldwide.

So flutter on over to www.kidorable.com and use coupon code CCRFUMB2 at checkout to get your free umbrella, and help save a child’s life.  Remember  to add the free umbrella to your cart first.

Kidorable umbrellas—For all season fun, we’ve got it covered—visit www.kidorable.com

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the info! Childhood cancer research is one of the least funded - and one of the most important in my opinion (my son is a survivor)
