Here are some sweeps:
Enter The Kettle Brand Potato Chip sweepstakes at for a chance to win a trip to Arizona, Mexico, or Costa Rica. Ends February 28, 2011
Colorado Tourism - Trip Give-Away (click the above image)
Enter to Win an Autumn Getaway Package. No purchase necessary.
EVERY DAY for 99 days, the makers of TONY'S Pizza are giving away VISA Gift Cards, a Nintendo Wii DVD's, Apple iTunes Gift Cards and 99 TONY'S Pizzas! That's more than 100 prizes every day!
Exergen, the manufacturer of the popular TemporalScanner forehead thermometer,
is bringing you the chance to win one for your home! The hospital model of the
Temporal Scanner has been seen on the hit TV show Grey’s Anatomy* this
season. If you can be one of the first people to “Spot the Scanner”
in this week’s episode and email your name, address, time and the
specific doctor who was using it, you could win!
Don’t worry if the scanner doesn’t appear in
every new episode, the contest runs throughout the rest of the season!
For official contest rules please visit: spotthescanner/
Halls has an Instant Win Game available! Pop a Drop and Don't Stop™ Instant Win Game. You'll need two UPC codes from any HALLS® products to get the game going.
With bonus prizes that include a private charter jet trip, sport boat and car, as well as 500 daily prizes, your big win could be just ahead. So pop a HALLS® to keep going no matter what gets thrown your way, and keep coming back to play the game every si
couple UPCs
A OneMommaSavingMoney reader won this prize this week!!!

Each week Colortime Crafts and Markers will randomly draw 3 lucky FANS who will receive a special craft package, which includes a Colortime color-your-own "Recycle Tote Bag" and three special permanent Colortime FABRIC MARKERS. All you have to do to be eligible is to "like" and become a fan of Colortime Crafts and Markers on Facebook.
The winners' Facebook name will be posted each Monday on the Facebook page. We will send you a message on Facebook informing you that you won. Look for it, and if your name is a winner, you can also send us an email message to with your full name and address and in either case we will ship your prize within 2 weeks.
1) You must be a fan of Colortime Crafts and Markers (
2) Once you win a prize, you are not eligible for additional prizes for this promotion for 12 months after the prize has been awarded.
3) Prizes not claimed within 2 weeks will be forfeited.
to play the Herbal Essences Instant Win game! You can enter to win one
of 292 prizes! Some of them include Target gift cards, Macy’s gift
cards and more! There will be also be a $500 gift card grand prize (you
are automatically entered into that when you play
Dollar General Fresh Start Every Day- 120 Daliy Winners Of Mostly $10 Dollar General Gift Cards!
Ends January 31st 2011
Scotch Brite Family Dollar Sweeps- 1 daily winner of $100 Family Dollar Gift Card. They will draw 50 winners soon after the promotion ends on February 27th.
Enter HERE, or text WIN to 38488, for a chance to win free milk for a year –120 winning families (4 winners daily)!
Thanks for the links, I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for The Stylish blogger Award. You can see the rules and get the button here: